Monday, December 31, 2007

New Health and Fashion-Related Goals for 2008!

Besides my usual lose-and-maintain weight loss goals each year; I have 5 new health and fashion-related goals for 2008 that I would like to share:

(1) Building my clientele of women seeking fashion on a budget

(2) Building my networks of bloggers, writers, editors, style mavens, and business owners

(3) Make it to at least 1 runway show during LA Fashion Week for both the Spring and Winter season

(4) Learn how to devote equal amounts of time to important areas of my life ( such as creating a beautiful front yard and an organized, chic work space)

(5) Adopt more rejuvenation and relaxation techniques when the computer turns off


Be safe, enjoy your toast, and wear cute and comfy shoes!

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Ballet Flats to Stay Chic and Comfy all at Once!

I love Nine West for various reasons affordability, quality, and versatility.
Whether you practically live at the office, are a business owner at home, or love to go on shopping trips with the kids, ballet flats are totally worth investing in.
I love to keep a pair in the car, because after walking stairs all day in heels, I like to give my feet a rest after work. I like to do my grocery shopping in style! (Plus as a Southern California girl who has flip-flops in nearly every color; I know that sandals in 50 degree weather is not too smart.)
Hey Elaine, imagine cheetah flats with your black coat! Ooh la la....

Friday, December 28, 2007

To My Cyber Fashion Friends: I Heart You!

What can I say except that I love my couture-loving, budget-conscious blogging buddies I have met via myspace, Divapreneur, MyBlogLog, and Facebook (There are so many more networks that I can't wait to join!).
And especially for all my fashion friends who enjoy the heartfelt diary pages of my shopping sagas, I honor you like the endearing and lovable Betsey Johnson on the runway.

When I need inspiration, I log in. When I want to read amazing blog posts, I turn to you. And when I am reading your profile, I leave long-winded comments.

A random blog post, I know. But so necessary.

Photo Credit:

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Chic Things on Sale!

I used to schlep my Lucky magazine (bible), marketing pages that need editing, and my Target organizer to and from my hands. Or sometimes I would try to stuff it in my big brown H&M bag (pictured here). Then I realized, this is no way to live!

So coming across this leopard tote on one of my most favorite online boutiques, My Chic Things, I was ecstatic!!! It's a perfect tote for my stuff, funks up all of my outfits, and is a pretty fashionable briefcase.

Beth Anderson's stuff is totally affordable and her sales are fabulous - so I must share this with you!

Price of my tote: $4.50
Price of my keychain (which I use as a charm for my briefcase): $3.00

Total roundabout cost for both (a little tax included): Less than 10 bucks!!!

One of my proudest purchases to date!

Dig it?

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Purple Earrings - A Staple for Every Girl

Besides the fact that this picture is dated 2004 (it was last Friday), and that I appear like a deer in healights, I LOVE seeing Stephanie so happy with her new purple danglies.

When I saw them at Macy's at Victoria Gardens in Rancho Cucamonga, I just knew! Steph tends to wear a slew of colors, from neutrals such as white and black to reds and chocolates. So in the mind of this Good Girl Gone Shopping, purple danglies are a must-have for any season. For the record, the sale price was unbeatable. Yay for holiday prices! I won't tell you exactly how much these ran, but let's just I bought 5 pairs for $30...I KNOW! My time for all 5 pairs of earrings: 45 minutes. This actually took longer than I expected because there were so many to choose from (clients were absent from this trip).

With Stephanie all smiles: mission accomplished.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Anna Wintour Always En "Vogue"

Popularly regarded as the inspiration behind Meryl Streep's character -- "Amanda Priestley" -- in "The Devil Wears Prada," Anna Wintour (the editor-in-chief of Vogue who has maintained the same bob hairstyle since the age of 15), speaks with Barbara Walters about what "makes fashion entertaining" in a 2006 interview. So according to her, the state of the country can be determined by flipping through the pages of Vogue. Check out this 4 minute interview, and let me know if you think that is just plain ridiculous:

(FYI: I received her unauthorized biography, "Front Row," a few Chanukah's ago from my brother. But because it's so juicy and fabulous, I have yet to finish it on purpose. I want to savor the taste of the book that profiles the most loved-and-hated fashion editor in the world.)
Photo Credit:

Monday, December 24, 2007

I'll Clean Yours If You Help Me Clean Mine...

I did not create this Web site to show off my speedy shopping skills (even though I'll talk about it), speak from a pedestal, or provide know-it-all tips. Definitely not. Right away, I knew that the title of my new blog should be "Diary of a Personal Shopper," because I want it to simply be a reflection of who I am. This includes the philosophies, habits, and success stories I would like to share since pursuing my passion as a personal shopper and wardrobe consultant.

Now, on to my faults. Those who know me know that I have about a million thoughts and ideas racing through my head every minute. These people -- my friends, family and coworkers -- understand that my schedule rarely fits in time to clean my desk, shred old files and articles (I even have the hard copy of my articles when I was a reporter for the Daily Titan), and just get organized.

If someone were to say to me, "Elana, I need help with cleaning out my closet because I have no time to do so, and no idea how to start." Of course I would respond with glee and assistance; however, I would also point out that if he or she put aside an extra 10 minutes each day to hang up a few pieces and pair up a few shoes, then it would save time and money. Not to mention that it would preserve his or her sanity.

Why can't I take my own advice? Allowing files to pile up before making an attack is pretty much my style. I highly discourage others from this bad habit, but for some reason, I make the exception for myself.

It must be pretty bad if my friend Stephanie said to me 3 days ago: "Elana, it's so funny. When it comes to fashion, you can put anything together fast and know exactly what works. But when it comes to cleaning up your stuff, you need help." Get this: she was calling me from the phone at my old desk at work while getting rid of my old stuff from the drawers...What a friend, eh?

So with my embarrassing confession in mind (which in no way affects my behavior as a responsible professionall), my New Year's resolution for 2008 is: Create an organized and functional working space, similar to that of my closet...Any suggestions for me?

Sunday, December 23, 2007

My "Happy Holidays" Outfit for 50 Bucks!

I'm a Bebe lover, but a Forever 21 fanatic. This is because I don't like to fork over the majority of my income to pieces that I may want to donate or sell in a few years. My holiday outfit posted here, minus my heels, were an exclusive Forever 21 pick of mine. Round about cost: $50. Should I have purchased my outfit from Bebe, I would have been lucky to have scored a beautiful blouse and maybe a pair of earrings for that price.

So as the holiday season remains a playing ground for sales galore, remember to pick up a few classic pieces for yourself. You know, the stuff that you may even be able to pass down to your kids. That said, check out my thoughts on buying for yourself while buying for others, as featured in Agenda Magazine. (I don't think that there is anything wrong with treating yourself to a gift while shopping for your friends and family.)

But if you beg to stick to strictly the "trendy" look, like I did here, all I can say is: Be smart!

FYI: My boyfriend is a jokester....and could the stains on my carpet be any more grotesque!? Yikes!

Body Butter Was an Option...

. ..BUT because I was shopping for my boyfriend's employees (so they would technically be from him), body butter, moisturizers, bath salts, etc...seemed to personal for a man to give to a staff of 10 ladies. Not only would I feel uncomfortable knowing that my boyfriend got all of "his girls" some sort of personal skincare products; the last thing I would want is for any of THEM to feel uncomfortable either.

So after spending only $24 in only 30 minutes (whoo hoo! I beat my predicted time of an hour...and I still have a teeny bit of gas left..), I walked out of "The Dollar Tree" happy with my purchases. Of course, I would prefer to have walked out of Target or Macy's with the same smile on my face, but due to my boyfriend's last-minute request of needing 10 gifts for 10 employees, I'll be honest: I planned to find quality gifts for cheap prices. And that's what I did.

Here is a list of my purchases:

  • 12 mini-gift bags with a shiny quality in purple, gold, red, green, and silver (they came in packs of 3, so I was forced to go with 4 sets)

  • A 30-sheet pack of multi-colored tissue paper

  • 10 Cinnabon chocolate turtles in individual, sophisticated packaging

  • 10 mini-address books with swirly black and red prints and a nice clasp

  • 2 packs of 10 candle votives in pumpkin and vanilla (so each person gets 1 of each!)
Now my only challenge left is after I gift everything together, I will need to find a nice big bag that he can bring the gifts in. Just putting it in his backpack is not gonna cut it ("As IF" - in the voice of Cher from Clueless)! Smash the cute gift bags, I don't think so. Yes, he actually wanted to do this.

So, with a series of "I Love You's" assuring me of his appreciation, I will now lay everything out and get started.

Ever want to duck and hide in The Dollar Tree or the 99 Cent Store? I used to, until I realized that everyone there has the same goal: getting more by spending less.

Mission accomplished!

Last Minute Holiday Shopping: Doing the Dirty

I am about to head out for 10 last-minute employee gifts for my boyfriend's crew at work. Yes, I am the one doing this. He says, "You're the personal shopper. You know what to look for." The compliment (which was an obvious sort of psychological hoopla) was not what made me put my battle gear on. It is the fact that I know where I can find some inexpensive gifts for 10 ladies, which means I can get out of the stores, shops, and madness in a short period of time. I will report a little later, and let you know the outcome of my search!

I have brownies in the oven (hoping he takes them out on time), a 1-hour time limit, and not much gas in my car. Let's see where I can head without having to stop to fill up, or grab a second cup of coffee...

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Styling Shots

More Photos Coming Soon!

Name: Alia
Date: 2/13/10

Her Style Goals: Wants a wardrobe that offers versatility with a stylish vibe
My Style Goals: To show Alia how to wear the same piece multiple ways

After three appointments with Alia, which included styling her existing wardrobe and shopping with her at various stores at the mall, I helped her learn how to show her personality through distinct looks. Below, Alia is wearing a newly purchased long-sleeve orange tee (Yes, color is still important in the winter!) three different ways. By doing so, her wardrobe was enhanced as she now has multiple options with something as simple as a tee! Depending on where she goes, she can select the best outfit for the occasion. What a fun experience! This is just one of the many outfits I styled, which met her goal: having a versatile wardrobe.

Occasion: lunch with the girls

Occasion: running errands while out and about with her daughter

Occasion: a casual evening out

Name: Elana (me)
Date: 11/21/09

Occasion: My birthday party at a dueling piano bar

Fashion Headache: How to look chic without being too sexy and overdone

So I decided to post a pic of myself wearing an outfit that is atypical with my style. I love black, so I decided to go with that as my main color. But the length is what I wasn't too sure of when I bought this Forever 21 dress. So due to this, as well as the chilly November weather, I decided that black, opaque tights would be the most logical and sleek way to go. I would stay warm and bring a mod look to a girly style dress. My maroon shrug with a pearl brooch-like safety pin were also parts of my outfit that gave it something extra. After wearing this dress, I realize that the pencil skirt is not the only way to feel sexy or chic; the poofy A-line is quite do-able as well. Being bottom-heavy, I actually enjoy that the dress wasn't clingy. I suggest that everyone step out of my comfort zone once in awhile! I'm glad I did.

Name: Jennifer
Date: 5/1/09

I have been wanting to see Jennifer in a pair of skinny pants for soooo long. Recently, she took my advice and went shopping for this type of jean. Typically, her jeans look comfortable and relaxed, but having trim hips and thin legs, Jennifer's shape was calling for a fitting pant.She looks amazing, eh? So to really get inside her head and learn of her shopping experience, I interviewed her:

What was your experience before shopping for jeans?

I could never find a pair to flatter my figure (thin legs and no bum!). They would always seem to be too loose around my legs even though they fit everywhere else.

Did you ever think skinny jeans were an option?

Not until you mentioned them! I was afraid they would make me look thicker on top :)

Was it simple finding something that fit well?

Yes! I only tried on one pair and I loved how they looked.

Tell me about your level of confidence?

Much more confident with these jeans. I received a lot of compliments and I was very happy to see that I had little bit of a curve in my behind.

The colors you have paired up with the jeans are flattering and subtle. What made you select those pieces?

I loved the tank in pink (which I also bought) but the jacket has accents in the same shade of blue. My shopping buddy (Audrey) made me see that the jacket complimented my figure as well. I've been trying to incorporate more color into my wardrobe from what you've mentioned in the past and reading your Beauty Chat article.
Read Jennifer's testimonial regarding my help!

Clients: Sara
Date: 4/20/09

Sara has sexy clothes in her closet -- which is great! However, there IS such a thing as being too "in your face" with barely-there blouses. So as I conducted my Closet Clean-up at Sara's home, I showed her how two things can add a chic quality to a sultry look: a camisole and accessories.

Before: Sexy

After: Chic

Client: Stephanie
Date: 1/5/09

Fashion Headache: She has purchased so many scarves, but feeling stuck wearing each one in the same style.

Her Style Goals: Stephanie hopes to gain some new tips and ideas, so that she can style her scarves on her own.

My Style Goals: I want her to know that wearing a scarf should be a fun thing, as there is really no right or wrong way on how to do so! I did show her, however, that each type of scarf can be worn in distinct fashions, depending on quality, color, and occasion. I also want her to treat a scarf as an important accessory, and that while it may not necessarily "break" an outfit; a scarf can definitely add a nice, chic touch to a simple, daily work ensemble. I also asked her to wear a bold pink color as I also wanted to show how numerous shades and prints work well with a bright hue. (A peek of her silver necklace can also add a little something extra, as I encouraged her to keep it one when I styled her scarves.)

The looks from top to bottom: chunky and cozy, elegant and effortless, casual and creative, tied-up and proper

Client: Jana
Date: 12/20/08

Fashion Headache: Her weight gain after giving birth makes her feel limited with what she can wear...

Her Style Goals: To appear slimmer in the clothes she already has and adopt trendier looks

My Style Goals: To help Jana create various outfits out of the clothes she regularly wears. Although she is working hard to shed the weight she has gained 6 months after giving birth, I want her to know that she can still appear slimmer when the fit is right and style is flattering. I also set out to show her that many of her pieces are versatile.

BEFORE: I asked Jana to pick a type of outfit she would typically wear to work. So she chose this red stretchy, scoop neck Tee, as her focus point -- paired with a fitting black skirt.

AFTER: I wanted to maintain a nice touch of color in Jana's outfit, but at the same time, find a style that would bring the eyes upward towards her face and slenderize her midsection. Even though Jana has admitted that she hasn't treated herself to many new fashionable pieces for the past year, I was determined to prove that she still has basics to work with. So I found two pieces in her closet that added a chic, professional touch to her previous outfit: a black cardigan and a simple black belt.

Versatility Tips
This belt-and-cardigan set is also a great option for a casual Friday at work:

Throw it over a weekend-casual outfit! Perfect for a mom-on-the-run:

Keep up with Jana's weight loss journy by subscribing to her myspace blog. Learn how she is losing an average of 8 pounds a week!

Name: Audrey
Date: 12/12/08

Occasion: Christmas Cocktail Party

Fashion Headache: Unsure of what look to go with (as she will be amongst friends she hasn't seen in awhile)

Her Style Goals: To feel comfortable and appropriate, to avoid a predictable all-black cocktail dress, and to look like herself and not like she is trying to fit in

My Style Goals and Recommendation: After being consulted regarding Audrey's event to attend, I definitely believed that she should wear some black but not all black. So why not do a huge flash of color in a mod Sassy Magazine-esque style?! I recommended a bright pink, royal blue, or teal dress with black tights, heels, and black shrug or cardigan. So she found this flirty, coral-pink knee-length gown from Forever 21, just a few hours after I e-mailed her with various ideas of what I had in mind. Although I didn't get to see her before the party, I was so happy that she took this picture so that we could all see how great she appeared in her new cocktail-stylized outfit. Exactly how I envisioned this SEO marketing manager to look: chic, girly, and edgy.

Read Audrey's testimonial to see how my assistance contributed to her fabulous evening. I also encourage you to follow her on Twitter and tweet away!

Friday, December 7, 2007


"Thanks, Good Girl Gone Shopping! Not only do I have a gorgeous wardrobe thanks to Elana's help, but I also have the willingness to wear it. Elana showed me how to put pieces together and wear them with confidence. Plus, the "look book" is a great reference for me to keep; anytime I forget what we did together, there it is. Thanks again for all your attention!"
Alia Congdon
Lake Balboa, CA

"I have thin legs that look awkward in regular jeans, but I never would have thought to look into skinny jeans without Elana's suggestion. I love how great these jeans look! I also took her advice on adding more color and have purchased some brighter pieces as well. Now I feel more confident in what I'm wearing, which gives me a better attitude all around. Thanks, Elana!"
Jennifer Galvan
Managing Editor
BeautyChatBlog.comMt. Baldy, CA

“Elana saved my life when she helped me come up with my outfit for a cocktail Christmas party. I was a little nervous to step out of the box, but I followed her advice and loved it! I felt so comfortable and pretty all night. Thanks Elana, you know your stuff!!!”
Audrey Seiberling
SEO Marketing Manager
PlasticSurgery.comSanta Ana, Calif.

“The weather in Oklahoma changes on a dime. I was in need of some chic additions to my wardrobe that would take me from warm to cold and back. I contacted Elana and she was able to send me links to specific websites with items that were on sale! I purchased a fabulous pair of leopard flats, a black cardigan sweater, tan cords and a purple cami all for under $100.”
Elizabeth Anderson
Editor-in-Chief/ Boutique owner
Tulsa, OK

“I am a no frills dresser, and due to being a working mom and wife, I find I have little time or patience to try and expand my wardrobe horizons. My good friend and co-worker Elana helped rescue me. She heard my woes of always looking drab and not having the time to spruce myself up. She took me on as a challenge! Elana and I spent numerous lunches discussing my likes and dislikes – what I was comfortable in and what I was not.

When getting ready for an upcoming vacation, we put her skill to use. We went shopping for accessories (I had to start small and ease into this new fashion trend). I walked away from our shopping experience with 3 sets of earrings and two gorgeous pairs of shoes.

To this day, whenever I wear either of the items that were purchased that day, I receive nothing but compliments. I had such a great response from that trip that when I recently needed new sunglasses, I again looked to Elana. She was great – explaining why something did not look good instead of pushing me to try something completely different than I am used too. Again we were successful! Every trip to the mall or sifting through the fashion magazines proves to be time well spent with Elana. She knows hers stuff and her clients!”
Denice Castillo
Event Planner
KDC Events

Rancho Cucamonga, Calif.

“After many years of doing the "mommy" thing, I felt I lost my glam. Not to mention that after finally attained my goal weight, it was hard to find anything that looked decent on me. It was so nice to have someone take the time to re-acquaint me withshopping! Thank you Elana!!”
Elaine Biss
Graphic/ Web Designer
Lancaster, Penn.