Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Don't Forget to Feed Your Fashionable Piggy!

I know what it's like to spend your last dime on someone you love, especially during the holidays. Just remember to always save a little for yourself. Once every other day or so, I look in my wallet and take anything from a penny to a $5 bill, and walk over to my piggy bank in the kitchen and drop it in! One time, Steve and I filled up a piggy bank so much, that when we cashed it, we were able to go on a major grocery shopping spree. I know -- exciting, right? But really, it came at a perfect time.

No matter what your budget level is, EVERYONE could use the extra change! And why not find a little piggy, or some sort of mini bank, that is fun and fashionable? Mine looks like a tzedakah can (Can I hear an Amen from my Jewish sistas?!), with a 1950s style couple saying "Saving Up to Quit My Job!" (My Employer: If you are reading this, I think it's hilarious. Not really my plan, I swear!) And the other bank Steve and I had was a bronze elephant that we found for cheap at the Chino Outdoor Swap Meet.

So what matches your personality? Here are a few cute styles, and options, that I found when I Googled "fashionable piggy banks":

After all, shouldn't saving money be fun? My biggest tips to saving using your bank: Purchase one that you have to actually break in order to open, and only open when you can no longer insert coins and dollars. Because when you DO open it, you will be like "Cha-Ching" and revel in the fact that you had so much self-control.

To read more about savings and fashion, visit Chic Galleria and check out my article, "Turn Your Pennies Into Quarters With a Personal Shopper." Have a budget beauty tip? Visit Beauty Chat and share it with us! If we choose your tip as the winner, you score a spot as a guest blogger!

HAPPY HOLIDAYS. Stay fabulous.


Leeann @ Join the Gossip said...

oh my gosh, that owl is adorable! u actually broke the piggy bank? happy holidays! we'll have to go see the tree and the grove =)

Amanda Allison said...

Great post, girl. I just started saving for my summer NYC trip and have been placing all my money in an envelope. I guess its time to upgrade to a fabulous, fat piggy bank!

P.S. Thanks for mentioning me on your "Blogs I Heart." :) I'm going to add a blogroll to my page so you already know you're very high on the list!

Good Girl Gone Shopping said...

Yes, Leeaan, I really want to!!! I will look at my schedule and everything today, promise! It's so cute in that area this season. And yes, you can break the bank. Some of the ceramic banks have a little hole at the bottom or a little place to carve out, so you don't have to break it. But I like to -- it's fun. ;)

Believe it or not Amanda, I have not been to NY yet! But I hear that I need to (I even have friends who tell me that if I go, I will love it, that it's totally "me" and I will never want to come bac). So have fun! That is a goal of mine as well. Are you going out there for work or fun, or both?...

So I picked up my little tin can bank after I wrote the post, and its getting full...getting excited!

Pinoy Wit said...

awww. these are all so cute. i'd love to get one with a detachable bottom. i hate to break cute piggybanks. i always have an ugly one so it doesn't hurt to break it

Good Girl Gone Shopping said...

Thanks for commenting Grace. The detachable bottoms are practical. But if you are really trying to save, they make it VERY EASY to take out $ when you need it. At least, that's me speaking from personal experience...;)

The Muse said...

those are sooooo cute!