Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Shopping Ideas for a Sports Lover? ‘Majestic Athletic’ Has Your Back.

 Shopping for your sport-loving dude, brother, father, or friend isn’t always easy (even after the holidays). Then again, maybe it’s not that hard for some of you, if you know that person really well. I suppose tickets to their favorite team’s upcoming game…a framed, signed poster of his favorite player…a new mitt so he can play catch with a friend…are all possibilities. And maybe you did awesome and gifted someone with such things for Chanukah or Christmas. But maybe you didn’t and still wanna find something cool.

It’s never too late! After all, gifting a loved one or friend doesn’t always have to happen solely during the holidays. Surprise, I-love-you-gifts are also exciting to give!  And I do believe clothing always goes a long way.

When my boyfriend has “the homies” over for football or basketball, things can get heated, loud, and fun for him! So should he have some awesome NFL gear or some sort of performance apparel to show off as his team wins (Yay babe!)…well, that’s pretty cool. With his birthday also around the corner, I’m currently checking out Majestic Athletic (hope he doesn’t read this). I appreciate that the merchandise is full of non-cheesy items, providing both professional and collegiate sports teams and their fans tons of options. Also, it’s a totally sophisticated website that allows you to enjoy your online shopping experience. And yes – there is a clearance section (ALWAYS a plus!)

Everyone gets stuck at times, feeling left out in the cold when it comes to unique gift ideas. And at the same time, everyone deserves to have a stress-free shopping experience.  So I pride myself in being resourceful and providing helpful info to assist your shopping experience (hence, the ‘Good Girl Gone Shopping’), so be sure to let me know your thoughts with Majestic Athletic!

To start getting social with the company and get a feel for what it’s all about, be sure to connect on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and even YouTube!

*Please note: While I’m talking about shopping for a guy, of course, this can apply to gals too. No sexism here, just ‘cause I’m not that into sportswear myself!

Photo Credits: www.MajesticAthletic.com 

Monday, December 22, 2014

You Don't HAVE to Bust Through Your Favorite Fashion Pieces This Holiday Season!

(Photo Credit: www.everydayhealth.com) 
In my latest article for ChelseaKrost.com, I provide 3 (EASY) tips on how to ease up on the over-consumption of goodies this holiday season! 

"Ohhh…how the holiday season brings us much joy. From reuniting with loved ones to volunteering at a local charity, this season no doubt gives us a sense of rejuvenation and a time to reflect on what’s going great, what’s not, and what could use improving (especially as you start making your New Year’ resolutions).
But here’s where the tricky part comes in: enjoying yummy treats while still wearing what you love.
I personally love the pineapple cheesecake and brownies my m
om makes for Chanukah, and it gives me pleasure to bake cookies for my boyfriend during Christmas (and, ahem, eating the cookie dough at the same time).  And like most people, I am definitely guilty of over-consuming, while telling myself, “I’ll just cut back after the holidays.” But the thing is, that’s never fun. The pressure that comes from that can sometimes cause you to turn to all those leftover sweets a few too many times!  So, through trial and error, I’ve figured out how to enjoy the holidays while still fitting into my favorite leggings, blouses, and sweaters..." Read the full article

Thursday, December 11, 2014

‘Tarte Cosmetics’ Waterproof Mascara to Hide My Sentiments of the Holidays Season!

(Photo Credit: www.tartecosmetics.com: "lights, camera, splashes waterproof mascara") 

I’m a Jewish chick who enjoys driving home from work while listening to Christmas music (sorry mom!). There’s something about the vibe of the holidays, good cheer, and nostalgia. Sometimes, I’ll cruise to the music with a light smile plastered on my face, but usually, I get sentimental and start remembering all of the drama from the years passed. Maybe it’ the way Mariah Carey’s “All I Want For Christmas is You” reminds me of the movie “Love Actually” and it’s many love stories regarding new love as well as betrayal that gets me misty-eyed. Or, maybe it’s just the beauty of Mariah’s incredible voice. Either way, because I’m by myself driving, I am fine letting the tears fall. But with tears, comes a yucky face…which glasses don’t always hide. And when I get home, my conspiracy-theorist boyfriend just wouldn’t get it.

Please note: I don’t cake on my makeup, especially at work. But the darkness under my eyes is usually quite apparent after a drive home listening to KOST 103.5. Runny makeup will do that to a girl!

So to help change the scenario of getting a yucky face – without having to change the radio dial – I suppose I could look into some new makeup. First up: waterproof mascara, as I definitely don’t leave home without a few swift strokes on my lashes. So working in a new brand to my collection of cosmetics could be good for me.

Tarte Cosmetics – the beauty company that is famous for its eco-chic beauty products – sells a $20 “lights, camera, splashes waterproof mascara.” Have you tried it before? According to its website, it offers “lengthening, curling, volumizing, and conditioning benefits.” I will admit that I’m a 5 buck-mascara-from-Target kind of girl, but if a product is truly quality, I’m all for experimenting with it. My mom always tells me that as you get older, you lashes get thinner (Nooo!!). That said, I appreciate that this product is also said to “treat and protect your lashes.”

And because I’m a native SoCal girl who loves baring it at the beach more than being covered up with scarfs, beanies, and boots in the winter, a waterproof mascara would benefit my time in the water as well. That’s a given.

So…cheers to holiday music, having the chutzpah to admit I like it, and taking the first step to hide my (not-so-secret-anymore) guilty pleasure with a new beauty product!

If you’re a lover of Tarte Cosmetics, please do comment on this article and share which one you can’t live without!

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

'Spark the Fire' with Gwen Stefani and Mastercard! (Priceless)

Not only is Gwen's newest single, "Spark the Fire," blasting in the latest Mastercard commercial...ummm...she's totally featured in it. The Voice star judge, fashion icon and designer, No Doubt frontwoman, and mother of three keeps on kicking!

And although I do my best to NOT use my own credit card...I may spark that fire and shop 'til I drop. Suddently, I'm feeling waaaay inspired to bust out that plastic again.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Do You Know How To Iron? (No, Really...Do You?)

Thank you to Alight Fashion Blog for reaching out to me with this awesome infographic! Great clothing needs to be taken care of properly, and it all starts with the basics. This includes IRONING (which I abhor). Do you attack your crinkles, folds, and creases correctly?

Click on the image to check it out in full view:

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Be a ‘Sweaty Betty’ this Holiday Season in Stylish Gear! Your Summer Body Will Thank You.

(Our bodies are our temples...Photo Credit: www.sweatybetty.com)

“Just one more cookie and then I swear I won’t have dinner tonight!” No, I do not have an eating disorder. But, yes, like most people, I find myself over-indulging during the holiday season and then feeling kinda guilty about it and stepping back completely (Well, maybe that is some sort of disorder...yikes).

In all seriousness though, human hibernation doesn’t mean to stuff your face simply because it’s “that time of the year.” Rather, it should involve a great combo of eating what you want in moderation and working out a bit more than usual (if you really want to burn off the extra fat the healthy way). I mean, I do exercise; I’ll wake up early Saturday and Sunday mornings and walk the steep streets in my LA neighborhood and I’ll lift weights and do squats while I watch “The Real Housewives of Atlanta” on Bravo.

But I know that it’s time to create more of a strict workout schedule – for many reasons. Although I’ve come to find beauty in living in the moment, I also love to dream and fantasize about the days of SoCal summer. In other words, I want to be prepared and feel amazing when it’s time to go bikini shopping.

(Running does the body good! Photo Credit: www.sweatybetty.com)

And to get myself pumped up to become more active, I know what needs to be done: Get rid of the horrid 5-year old workout gear that is stuffed in my closet and get on board with a new sports bra, yoga pants, and running shoes. Sweaty Betty is a UK-based fitness clothing brand has an insane selection of stylish gear, including girls dance wear and ladies swimwear. I think this could be a cool site to start browsing!

The philosophy behind Sweaty Betty is pretty awesome too: “To inspire women to find empowerment in fitness.” After all, our overall image is influenced by several factors, and how we take care of our bodies reflects in our beauty. Fitness is a crucial aspect that should not be ignored.

Follow Sweaty Betty on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram! Photos of women getting’ their workouts on will inspire you to finish up that fourth cookie and put on your running shoes.