Saturday, May 3, 2008

Your Site is Like Soooo Blogalicious!

Here’s what’s the haps on some of my favorite go-to blogs (the ones I try to squeeze into my day amongst the chaotic life of: an editorial manager at, the scatter-brained editor of Beauty Chat, and the Target-loving girl behind ‘Good Girl Gone Shopping’):

* Angel over at Chic Stories shares her shock for the recent Miley Cyrus’ semi-nude back pose for Vanity Fair, and compares the Elle cover shots of Sarah Jessica Parker vs. Madonna

* Kori of The Fashion-y Blog debates the thought of dying her hair an “unnatural hair color,” as she notices it going more mainstream, and shows the recent Hilary Clinton photoshop pics of a “Dressing the President” feature in Harper’s Bazaar

* Elaine of Divapreneur talks up the gracious Diva Charity Event go-getters who are donating their services and products for fabulous causes

* Beth of My Chic Things reminds us that Mother’s Day is right around the corner, and Ciao Bella is a big must-have for you or your mama

* Gala of iCiNG reminds us the importance of journaling and tracking our personal growth and transformation. Are you the same person you were a year ago?

* Trina of Big Girls Don’t Cry shows us that a bright, blue camisole can take you far with several options.

* Raquel of House of Raquel invites you to secure your advertising spot on her Top 100 Site list – only $25 for a full year.

* Jill of Trendinista gives us her own rundown of what’s hot over at her weekend blog reads.

* Tammy of White Iris Designs shows us snapshots of her son and prom date, including samples of beautiful floral creations. Think tropical shades of orange and green!

* Denice of KDC Events shows us the important things in a mother’s life, such as pics of her 5-year-old’s Spongebob birthday party!

* Leeann of Join the Gossip says Happy Birthday to Lilly Allen and shares six of her “unspectacular quirks”



Elaine Leon said...

Thanks for the love! Your biggest fan,

Anonymous said...

Thanks for mentioning my blog I appreciate the shout out!!